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Pilgrims Escape Death As Max Air Aircraft Engine Collapses Mid-air

Pilgrims Escape Death As Max Air Aircraft Engine Collapses Mid-air

Muslim pilgrims boarding a Max Airline

What would have been another tragedy in the Nigerian aviation sector was averted on Saturday as a Max Air aircraft with 550 passenger crash-landed at the Minna International Airport in Niger State.

The aircraft, a Boeing 747-300 with registration number 5N-DBK, was said to have developed a fault mid-air before the pilot struggled to land it at the airport.

The incident led to the collapse of one of the four engines of the aircraft.

It was further gathered that the aircraft was returning pilgrims from Niger State from Saudi Arabia.
On landing, a source close to the airport confided in our correspondent that the aircraft skidded off the runway.

The reason for the incident could not be ascertained at the moment, but it was gathered that the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority had been informed of the incident.

However, a source close to the scene told our correspondent that no life was lost, while efforts to get the officials of Max Air to comment on the issue was unsuccessful.
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Pilgrims Escape Death As Max Air Aircraft Engine Collapses Mid-air Reviewed by Nigeria Newswatch on 03:35 Rating: 5

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