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#PrayForDenrele: Everyone one is talking about these new transgender photos of Denrele Edun

Everyone one is talking about these new transgender photos of Denrele Edun

Denrele Edun is currently a trending topic on social media at the moment.

The eccentric VJ is on everyone’s lips because of the latest sultry photos he released where he claims he’s the Nigerian version of popular transgender, Caitlyn Jenner.

Check out reactions below with various Hashtags like #PrayForDenrele, #StandAgainstDenrele and more....

His caption reads ‘”Nigeria’s Caitlyn Jenner without transgender money” actually mops “their” floor in Giuseppe Zanotti gold leaf sandals! Cos’ BAE likes it that way! #WCW’

Everyone one is talking about these new transgender photos of Denrele EdunEveryone one is talking about these new transgender photos of Denrele Edun Denrele Edun 2

On another photo her captions ‘#WCW As I have been fondly tagged “Nigeria’s Caitlyn Jenner without transgender money” for months now. I present to you; Nigeria’s Caitlyn Jenner with NO NEED for transgender surgery!’
We need to lock up Denrele in any mental asylum, before our kids find his behaviour cool.
- Bowale (@Son_of_a_O) September 16, 2015

Before you go to bed, say a prayer for Denrele
- TUNDE (@KobokoGCFR) September 16, 2015

Denrele Edun is neither disgusting nor shameless. I believe he is an attention-seeking confused man who needs Jesus.
- No.1 (@ebuka_akara) September 16, 2015

This Denrele guy should just change his gender. Annoying human
- ❥ Davidoll ♎28th (@Yeahme_x) September 16, 2015

When begging God for a son; telling him the kind of son you want by him not giving you a son like Denrele.
- DocTor YazzY™ (@Dr_Yazzy) September 16, 2015

Denrele is clearly mad
- Sneh (@rivergodesss) September 16, 2015

Before you go to bed, say a prayer for Denrele #PrayForDenrele
- Pastor Brian Dennis (@briandark) September 16, 2015
#PrayForDenrele: Everyone one is talking about these new transgender photos of Denrele Edun Reviewed by Nigeria Newswatch on 20:51 Rating: 5

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