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Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words...

Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words
My favorite scene in the movie, lol

Whoop, it' Friday and i have got a beautiful movie for you today - It's titled 'Birthmark'.

The script was written by Biodun Stephen Oladigbo, Produced by Mary Njoku and directed by Moses Inwang (Sneeze).


A privileged 20 year old young man (Joshua Richards) becomes obsessed with his 35 year old former nanny (Ini Edo), the woman who practically raised him since he was a baby.

She continuously rebuffs his advances but before long it all becomes too much to bear.

Cast:  Joshua Richards, Ini Edo, Bimbo Manuel, Femi Jacobs.

Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words

What I loved about the movie:

The production was good, lightning was really good too, background music was great!

The storyline was fantastic, original, romantic (very romantic) and i loved it.

Oh, the suspense was nice.

Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words

While seeing the movie on Iroko TV with my sister, we were glued till the very end.

"What's going to happen, would Ini Edo eventually succumb to the young man's advances..." we wondered, as a matter of fact, we were seriously rooting for an affair between them because their chemistry was totally on point, lol.

The movie climax was crazy and we were left mouth opened at the end, like seriously, what, haba warridis? It was totally unexpected.

Aye to the cast.
Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words

All of them acted brilliantly, they acted reasonably well.

From Bimbo Manuel who played the happy go Yoruba dad to Joshua Richards, the new kid...the dude is so  handsome and i loved the way he gently picked his words all through the movie, and also Ini Edo, bravo, the sexy Nanny...she was ah-mazing, she interpreted her role well...her laughter, tears, everything was just so real!

And then the chemistry between them (Ini and Josh) was on point.

I particularly loved the scene were they had a beautiful dance, and many other scenes of them, their love story was weird but pleasant to watch, lol.

Femi Jacobs was fantastic too.

Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words
Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words

What I didn't like

In as much as I loved this movie, it was kinda weird.

Ini Edo (the Nanny) was leading him on, yet giving him a No when he started pestering her for a relationship.

You let a young man peck you, hold you anywhere, sleep in your bed, call him all the time and yet claim you don't love him enough to date him, oh please!

The producers could have done a better job of drawing the line. This was borderline incestuous.

And then the ending was annoying!

The movie was so good until it ended so suddenly, Moses Inwang gotta do better with his movie endings...this was same issue i had with his movie 'TORN'.

Why would such a good movie end like this? Did they run out of filming tape????  Lol, my sister even took it personal, she didn't stop hissing.

And finally, the lady that played the 14 year old younger form of Ini Edo looked way matured than 14, haba, they should have gotten someone younger to play the role.

Watch the movie trailer below.

I am presently watching Alani Pamolekun, a Yoruba movie which features Odunlade Adekola, i hear it has about four parts but i am just starting out and i really hop it's worth my time. Have you guys seen it? Do you think I should go on or it's just a waste of time? Thank you!
Movie review: Ini Edo's acting in 'Birthmark' is beyond words... Reviewed by Nigeria Newswatch on 08:35 Rating: 5

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